He had that innocent, sweet, joy in his voice when he yelled as loud as he could, "WAKE UP!! SANTA CAME!!!" It was like music to my ears...even if I wasn't quite ready to wake up!
The next hour was spent ripping open presents, and Cody was trying to run after everyone with a trash bag. This is the only time I can remember Cody trying to be the clean, organized one!
So here's the breakdown...Santa brought Dylan the Nintendo DSI he wanted so badly, and a bunch of games to go with it. Madison wasn't quite into the opening of presents, but she was checking them out and playing with them a lot more than I thought she would, and she got lots of new great baby toys! Santa brought Cody a new blu-ray player, and the DJ Hero game for his XBox, and Santa brought me a beautiful, big Coach bag, and the Flip video camera. Everyone was happy, and the house ended up trashed even with Cody's trash bag.
We went to the Grandparents house in the afternoon, spent time with family and had a wonderful dinner together! Everyone got along, and drama was no where in sight!
Cody & the kids with Uncle Corey


I'm convinced my son could break a record with how fast he opens presents.

Maddie trying to reach in her Santa bag for more...

She found more...

She's calling Santa to say thank you!

Dylan & his new Nintendo DSI...

This is what my house looked like after...

Grandma's house...

It was a wonderful, magical Christmas...but they always are!
Hope everyone else had a fabulous Holiday!