My Son, Award-Winning Student

Dylan won 2 awards today in school. The first was for good citizenship, and the second was for academic achievement. I can't say I was surprised to learn that he would be receiving 2 awards. He's super smart...and even though I'm biased, it's still true. The school sends a letter to the parents a couple weeks before the ceremony that invites the parents to come watch our child accept their award. The students don't have any idea, until they walk out and see their parents in the audience...that's a pretty tell-tale sign, and I could see the excitement on Dylan's face today when he saw me, Cody and Maddie. Then they call the kids up, one by one, to receive their award.

This is Dylan accepting his first award from his principal...

He inspects the award, feeling proud of himself...

After all the first set of awards is handed out, the students pose for parent's the closest thing to the paparazzi they've ever felt.

Dylan just accepted his second award of the day...once again proudly inspecting what it says.

Showing it off...

The Happy Family...

I couldn't be more proud of Dylan. I always tell him how important it is that he does well in school. Most of the time I feel that he's not listening to me, but it's moments like this that I see my hard work, and obviously his hard work as well, is paying off.

Congrats little Award-Winner

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