I've read today on the internet a rumor about Casey and her attorney Jose Baez possibly being signed with William-Morris.
Already Juror #3 did an interview with ABC, and rumor has it that they paid for her & her family to go to Disney World.
Also another Juror (possibly #6) has hired a publicist and has issued a statement saying that he will do interviews...for a price.
And if you look at the link below, there are actually auctions on Ebay for yearbooks with Casey in them, and court tickets...among other things.
What is the world coming to? It disgusts me.
Auctioneers Hope To Cash In On Casey - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando
In other Casey Anthony news today, a tree that sits where Caylee's remains were found was hit by lightning today during a storm. Maybe someone up there is not too happy with how things turned out? Interesting that it happened on the day of sentencing, when it is determined that she will be released next Wednesday.
My heart still breaks for this little girl.
Please sign the petition in the corner of my blog to create "Caylee's Law", making it a federal offense for a parent or guardian to not report a child missing in a timely manner. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again. Let's make sure no one else gets away with the murder of their child.

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