After months of thinking about it and talking it over, we have decided to relocate our family to Sugar Land, Texas, in February 2010.
Our dream to provide a better life for our children is what prompted this move. I have always wanted to have a house for my kids to grow up in…complete with a back yard! The reality is that we can’t afford to have that here. Dylan is 7 now, and I don’t want him to remember his childhood in an apartment. I can’t even explain to you how happy I am that I can finally do this for them!
I have an amazing career opportunity there, and I am excited to get back to work after all my time off! The schools out there are amazing, which was a very important factor for me. And last but certainly not least, we have amazing family there. My Dad & Stepmom are helping us with this move and getting settled out there, and they have been so supportive and amazing. It will be wonderful to be close to them, and to be able to see them more than once a year! I’m sure they will be ecstatic that they get to see their Grandkids as much as they want!
We have so many wonderful friends here, and we will miss you all so much! So please, call us, and let’s spend as much time together as we can, before we leave! There’s only 7 months left! And please always remember “Mi casa es su casa.” Come visit us!!
We are excited and anxious about this move, and we hope you all can share in that with us! There is so much about LA that we will miss, but we realize that we have to make small sacrifices in life to do the right thing for our family. We realize how lucky we are to have such special friends that make it so hard to say goodbye!
Love, The Mac Family!
"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand."~Irish Blessing