I spent all afternoon picking out my clothes, putting on makeup & doing my hair. We even had a bottle of wine at home to get us started. Cody drove us there (& picked us up)...I despise any sort of drunk driving.
Here is a picture of Jennifer & I, when we first got there.

We did a little drinking, and we did a little dancing, and I wore my Louboutins, which was a happy moment in itself for me. I smile even as I type.
L-o-u-b-o-u-t-i-n. Sorry, I digress...
The night just wasn't what I expected it to be. Instead of revolving around dancing & drinking & being with friends, it revolved around men. Which isn't really a situation I like to be in, considering I am married, and not into meeting men in clubs.
In the end I learned, as much as I love my friends, we just can't all have the same lives. They can intersect in many places, but not at the club. Not for this girl. I realized that I would have much rather spent that time sitting on the couch with my honey & watching a movie.
1 comment:
Hey it's Dawn. I agree... My friends are after men most of the time and I'm like "Quit trippin' let them come to YOU." That's the secret. Live your life. That's all there is to it. We gotta go out sometime cause I could care LESS about all the crop dusting, denim jeans rubbing against your backside "on accident", sweaty, horny douchers. Ew.
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