Debbie asked me on Christmas Eve if Madison would be her flower girl, and I couldn't have been more excited!! Wait, did I mention she was no where near walking at that point? Well, let me also mention that she didn't even take her first step until about 2 weeks before the wedding!! I'm pretty sure she knew that she had to learn, and fast, so she could make her grand debut! Every little girl should have her opportunity to be a flower girl, and we're honored that they wanted her! At 1 year old, even! She really is quite the little Princess!
The wedding was beautiful. I started crying well before the ceremony even began. First, I spent a few minutes with Corey and his groomsmen, which of course included Cody, who, if I may say, makes quite a handsome groomsman. Corey was so excited to marry Debbie, he didn't seem nervous at all. Then, I went to see the beautiful bride, and all her bridesmaids. Debbie looked just stunning from head to toe. She was posing for pictures, and she looked like she should be on the cover of a bridal magazine.
A little about the ceremony...Madison looked like a little angel walking down the aisle, and I couldn't have been more proud. When Debbie started walking down the aisle, I looked at Corey and could see the tears in his eyes...then I looked at her and could see the tears in her eyes. They couldn't have been more in love!
The reception was beautiful, the dinner and drinks were awesome, and Maddie danced all night long! I wish I would've taken more pictures, but we were having so much fun, and of course chasing Maddie around! Here are the few that I did take...
Cody & Corey, before the ceremony...

Madison walking down the aisle with the Jr. Bridesmaid...

Mr. and Mrs. Naughton...

Madison dancing with her new friend...

Maddie & Daddy dancing...

Cody, Maddie & her Uncle Corey...

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Naughton!! We love you so much!!