Especially mine...

He's a pretty special kind of Dad. I haven't had a lot of super great role models in my life growing up, but my Dad definitely is. He's a hard worker, a good parent, and a good husband. Everything I strive to be in my own life. I may be a McCarthy, but I'll always be a Miller.
And Grandad...

I've always adored this man, and even more I've always adored being his favorite. Since I was tiny he has loved to spoil me with chocolate sundaes and shoe shopping. And now that I'm grown-up, I love watching him with my kids, his great-grandkids. They are lucky to have a relationship with him, and they have officially taken my place as "favorite". His motto is "You're at Grandads, you can do whatever you want over here...even if that means chocolate for breakfast!
And my Cody...

I'm glad I chose him. He's special. He didn't have the option to just be with me & date & have fun before we got married...he had to jump right into my crazy world of parenting...and he did without ever looking back. And to top it off, he gave me the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen!!
Since Cody had to work on Father's Day, we went to visit! Well...Maddie & I did, and Dylan spent the day with his Dad. Cody loves showing Maddie off to all his friends, it's the cutest thing.

And another of the many reasons I love my Cody...
This Fathers Day he gifted himself...tattoos!!

I was touched by the whole thing, but mostly that he would get both of their names. I can't say that I know many men that would get a child's name tattoo'd on their body if they didn't share any genetic traits. Did I mention what an amazing Dad he is?

I heart you two...
aaawwww My wife is the best...I love you and I love our life and I wouldn't have chosen anything different than what we have done. I love being a DAD to 2 kids
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