In the weeks before school started, we did his school shopping, shoe shopping, got his haircut...all in preparation for his 4th grade year. I started to get really nervous.
The morning came, and there was no way I could tell him that I was nervous. I was supposed to be the strong one. He got dressed, ate his breakfast, and I helped him do his hair. We left the house at 8:10, and I drove him to school. I said my goodbyes to him as he got out of the car, and I was choking back the tears. He walked through the gate to school, wearing his backback and looking cute as ever, and didn't seem nervous at all. I, however, watched him walk away and realized that this was the first time I dropped him off at a strange place all by himself. I was worried...what if he didn't find his classroom? What if he really didn't make new friends that easily? I drove to work right after dropping him off, and couldn't stop thinking about it. All.Day.Long. At 3:02 when I was sure he had to be out of school, I called my Grandma, who picks him up. She put him on the phone, and I could almost hear him smiling through the phone. He said that he just asked someone where to go and found it just fine. Then he told me he made a friend before he even found his classroom. That friend introduced him to his other friends, and there you have it....he has a whole group of friends on the very first day of school. Why was I so worried? Yes, that's right...because I'm a Mom. Everything worries me, and everything makes me a little emotional. I'm watching my baby grow up right before my eyes, and it's the most amazing and terrifying feeling in the world.

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