Monday, Monday...

The day is finally here! I haven't looked forward to a Monday like this in a long time!
Why, you ask? It's my last day of work for the crazy lady!!

You would think that today would have been spent just tying up loose ends and cleaning out my desk, but noooo. Crazy lady hasn't hired a new person yet, so they wanted to make sure to fit as much work as possible into my day, to make up for the rest of the week. Why haven't they hired a new person, you ask? Oh, probably because I was right when I told her that what they pay is no where near the going rate for that position. Or maybe it's because I'm so amazing at my job, that they can't find someone good enough to fill my shoes! Either way, I finished everything they wanted me to, and still managed to leave by 4. I drove home with the windows down & the music up & a big smile on my face, because I'm free...

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