Dr. Day!!
Sooo, first things first, Maddie is becoming quite the big girl!! She weighs 11 1/2 pounds now, and is over 22". I can't believe how fast she is growing!!
When shot time came, I turned around and stared out the window, with my hands over my ears. When she got her first shot, she cried so loud and so hard, that she had a hard time catching her breath! She got 2 more in that leg, and the Dr. gave her a little break before the other leg. Just enough time to calm her down. When he poked her other leg, it was so sad. She started crying again, as if to say "Why do you keep doing this to me?!" Cody picked her up, and he had tears in his eyes. It was so sweet. He was supposed to be the strong one!! Apparently she already has the man wrapped around her little finger!!
She recovered quickly, but has been sleeping pretty much all day. Which has given me time to finally clean my house, which was nice!
In other, not so notable news, Cody & I were having a conversation about using "slang" when you talk. In this conversation I have learned that apparently I am too dorky and proper to use slang. He says it's because I have no swagger. Or is it swagga?? Hmm...I guess I will just never look cool using the words "holla" and "dope". I'm sure I'll get over it.
This woman had 6 children to begin with…at least one with autism. She already wasn’t taking care of her own kids, she had her mom helping her. The fact that she was on food stamps speaks for itself. I’m really not sure how she came to the irrational decision that she could take care of 8 more. Now they will go on in their lives, all 14 children, with no father.
I know I speak for many women out there when I say that fertility problems are heartbreaking. Whether it is the man or the woman who has the problem, it hurts just the same. Cody & I were lucky to conceive Madison without assistance. But this was after 18 months of trying, and seeing a specialist, and it not working. She is our little miracle baby. I will thank God for her every day.
This Octomom acted out of complete selfishness. She could have just had one or two embryos transferred. She transferred 7. Any specialist would have told her the risks involved. She clearly didn’t care. She thought it was ok to risk the lives of her babies. Why, I don’t know. Then, after these 8 babies are born, and in intensive care because they are so early and so tiny, she runs around town with her Starbucks in hand, acts cute for the paparazzi, and THEN has the nerve to ask for donations!!! Babies are a gift, not a way to make money!!
Does she deserve donations? In my opinion, NO WAY!! She got herself into this mess, on purpose, no less. She needs to bail herself out.
I saw her on Dr. Phil the other day, and there was this charity that was going to provide around the clock nannies for her babies until they were 18 months old. I couldn’t help but think at that moment that she didn’t deserve this, and she appeared to be completely ungrateful.
The story I read this morning was the last straw for me. It said that she basically fired the charity, because she thinks they are spying on her. WHAT?!?! Now what the hell is she going to do? Someone should take these babies and give them to someone who will really take care of them. If she cared about these babies at all, we would never see her face on TMZ, because she would be a fixture in the NICU making sure her babies are ok. Or at the very least, taking care of the other 6. JEEZ!!!
**Vent over**
Happy Birthday Maddie!
I bought these stickers on www.pickysticky.com, and they go from 0 months to 12 months, and I am taking her picture on the 18th of every month. Now I can keep track of just how big she is getting!

Being a stay-at-home mom is a blessing. By the time Dylan was 5 weeks old, I was back to work 40 hours a week, sometimes more. I feel like I missed out on so much with him. Now I get to do everything with them, and it makes me incredibly happy....and incredibly tired!

On that note, since this is one of the rare occasions that both of my kids are sleeping, I am going to try to get something done!
St. Patty's Day
This year, my amazing husband planned an awesome party for Shamrock. Mickey Avalon at the Roxy! The place was packed, everyone had a great time, and I am so proud of him!

Maddie & I stopped by to see Dad, and to socialize. She loves to socialize! And my little shamrock fit right in!

They were doing $25 shamrock tattoos for the occasion…so of course I had to partake in the action!!

Love you xoxo!
When you're smiling....
Madison is still very young, and it’s hard, not only to find a babysitter for her, but to be away from her. When she cries, she can’t tell you what’s wrong, or what she wants, or how she wants to be held. I know these things. I'm the only one who knows these things. Well, Cody, too.
There is a tiny part of me that gets a little jealous when everyone else is going out on a Friday night, and I am home alone with my 2 kids. Or when there is some huge show that everyone I know is going to, except me. A very tiny part of me.
Then it occurs to me. As much as I love my friends, I get to hang out with the 2 people I love the most. I get to watch Disney movies with Dylan, and hear him talk through the entire thing. I get to see Maddie smile when I make funny faces. They make me happier than a night out with my friends could ever make me. When they’re smiling, I’m smiling.
So now I am going to tuck my baby boy into bed so he can get up early for school tomorrow, and then I am going to sit on the couch with Madison & make some more funny faces, sing some more silly songs. Because when I’m with the 2 of them, there’s honestly nowhere I would rather be, and no one I would rather be with.
Good night!! xoxo
Venice Beach

Jennifer's daughter Hailey just might have a future in the music industry. She sang "Islands in the stream" for me repeatedly as loud as she could, and she knew every word. It was so cute!

And since my days of buying $300 sunglasses are on hold (not permanently), and Venice is the best place ever to buy cheap sunglasses, we had a great time trying on a million pairs! The owner was not too happy when we didn't buy anything. I'm pretty sure I heard him cursing us under his breath as he stormed over to make sure all the glasses were put back in their proper places.

Madison slept the whole time. Of course she woke up as soon as we got into the car to go home.

And little Lou V. walked so much, his little legs got tired & he slept the whole way home!

A great day was had by all!!
BAD Blogger!!
Anyway, here's my update for the last week.
Dylan lost his second tooth!! After weeks of him messing with it, and me wanting to just pull it out, it's gone! And just for the record, recession or not, the going rate for the first tooth is $10, and any after that are $5...at least in LA, where everything is expensive.

Speaking of toothless smiles...Madison is a smiler!!! I could sit here for hours and make silly faces to make her smile, and every time she does, my heart just melts!!

Ok, I have to go play some WII now. Love you all!
Lost & Found
As I mentioned in my very first blog, we just finished moving to our new apartment. Moving is always crazy, and this was definitely no exception. A few of you may already know where this is going. While we were packing up, I designated a special bag for screws & nails. I showed this bag to Cody, and told him to please make sure he kept a close eye on this bag…”it’s really important”. In this bag were the screws to Maddie’s bassinet. These are special screws. There are none like them in the world. When we finally got all the boxes to our new place and I wanted to put the bassinet back together, I started the search. Of course Cody had NO idea what box he put the screws in. So I proceeded to look in every single box. No screws.
The next day was Cody’s day off. He proceeded to look in all the same boxes, and still no luck. This is what happened next…
Cody: "I feel like I've looked in every box and I can't find the bag with the screws in it."
Chrissy: "I knew you lost them"
Cody: "But I don't lose things"
Chrissy: "Well you did."
*Cody throws a burp cloth in anger*
The upside to this story is that he felt really bad, and bought me the pack n play that I really wanted, for Maddie to sleep in until we got her new crib. It was really easy to put together, and there were no special screws to lose! But of course the story doesn’t end there. Cody was cleaning out his car and he found another box. I started emptying it, and there it was. The plastic bag with all the screws in it. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Lost & found!
This is long, but I have one more!
Also during our wonderful move, I misplaced my iPod. I love my iPod, and don’t think I could live without it. Again we looked through everything to find it. After 2 days, I gave up hope of ever finding it.
Cody went to do our laundry almost a week later, and as he started the last of 7 dryers, he heard it. “clunk, clunk, clunk” As he looked through the glass dryer door, he saw my precious iPod tumbling dry. Lost & found!
Happy ending to that story? He bought me an iPod Touch for my birthday.
New Stuff...Old Stuff...
Welcome to my new blog!! My dear friend Eden was nice enough to make it nice & pretty for me…thanks, Eden!
I figured my first post should be about all the new stuff we have going on lately.
First would be our amazing new daughter, Madison. She was born on January 18, at 12:07 am. Labor was easy, and she was (and is) perfect! It goes without saying that being a mother is the most beautiful and fulfilling thing any woman can ever do. That being said…being a mom of 2 is HARD!!! It’s all about really late nights, spit-up, dirty diapers, school projects & loose teeth in my life right now. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
We just moved into our new apartment a week ago. We had been living with my Grandparents for the last year, and though I love & appreciate them, there are no words to explain how ecstatic I am to finally be in our own place again!!
So, in the not-so-new category would be…me! Today is my 30th birthday!! I have to admit I was not looking forward to being 30. The thought “I am old” has entered my mind a few times. I didn’t have a huge party, I didn’t go out to the bars & drink like in birthdays past, but somehow, my day was imperfectly perfect. My hubby & beautiful kids gave me a huge display of pink & purple flowers, we went to the mall & Mr.Mac bought me a new Ipod touch, then we went home, ordered dinner in, and watched American Idol.
So that’s it…I’m officially a BLOGGER!!