Lost & Found

This is my second blog for the day…I’m off to a great start!!

As I mentioned in my very first blog, we just finished moving to our new apartment. Moving is always crazy, and this was definitely no exception. A few of you may already know where this is going. While we were packing up, I designated a special bag for screws & nails. I showed this bag to Cody, and told him to please make sure he kept a close eye on this bag…”it’s really important”. In this bag were the screws to Maddie’s bassinet. These are special screws. There are none like them in the world. When we finally got all the boxes to our new place and I wanted to put the bassinet back together, I started the search. Of course Cody had NO idea what box he put the screws in. So I proceeded to look in every single box. No screws.

The next day was Cody’s day off. He proceeded to look in all the same boxes, and still no luck. This is what happened next…

Cody: "I feel like I've looked in every box and I can't find the bag with the screws in it."
Chrissy: "I knew you lost them"
Cody: "But I don't lose things"
Chrissy: "Well you did."
*Cody throws a burp cloth in anger*

The upside to this story is that he felt really bad, and bought me the pack n play that I really wanted, for Maddie to sleep in until we got her new crib. It was really easy to put together, and there were no special screws to lose! But of course the story doesn’t end there. Cody was cleaning out his car and he found another box. I started emptying it, and there it was. The plastic bag with all the screws in it. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Lost & found!

This is long, but I have one more!

Also during our wonderful move, I misplaced my iPod. I love my iPod, and don’t think I could live without it. Again we looked through everything to find it. After 2 days, I gave up hope of ever finding it.

Cody went to do our laundry almost a week later, and as he started the last of 7 dryers, he heard it. “clunk, clunk, clunk” As he looked through the glass dryer door, he saw my precious iPod tumbling dry. Lost & found!

Happy ending to that story? He bought me an iPod Touch for my birthday.

1 comment:

Eden said...

Still laughing at the angry burp cloth throwing...hilarious!