BAD Blogger!!

I realize my blogs are few and far between already. I have the best of intentions...but I also have 2 very demanding children. They win, most of the time. I would love to be a "Naptime Blogger", but that's the time that I have to help with homework, and play WII. And when she is awake, my darling daughter thinks she must be held constantly. I'm not the best one-handed typist...but I'm quickly learning!

Anyway, here's my update for the last week.

Dylan lost his second tooth!! After weeks of him messing with it, and me wanting to just pull it out, it's gone! And just for the record, recession or not, the going rate for the first tooth is $10, and any after that are $ least in LA, where everything is expensive.


Speaking of toothless smiles...Madison is a smiler!!! I could sit here for hours and make silly faces to make her smile, and every time she does, my heart just melts!!


Ok, I have to go play some WII now. Love you all!

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