What a day!

Today felt like the longest day ever! It started with me waking up after not getting enough sleep. My daughter is a party animal at night!

We had a 9:00 t-ball game to go to, and it was our turn to bring snacks, so we were very rushed, but we made it! It was a great game, and Dylan really tried his hardest out there!

After the game, we went home so that Cody wouldn't miss any of the draft. Yes, I said "The Draft". You see, this day is like Christmas to Cody. I don't get it. I don't think I ever will. Ha! I left him there with both kids while I went to get my hair done finally! It's been a long time, and it was so nice to have some "Mommy Time". My hair looks great...pictures to come.

After this, I rushed home to pick up Dylan for our Mommy/Dylan date. We met up with Sonia at the movies & we saw "Earth". It was so cute, I absolutely loved it. We saw Dylan's teacher there with her family, and I think that was his favorite part. She's a pretty great teacher.

When we got home, Dylan's dad picked him up for the night, and Cody & I watched movies and cuddled walked around the house with Maddie, who didn't want to be put down. She didn't even want us to sit down while we were holding her.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!


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