I went in to Shamrock today to see my boys, and to get another tattoo. It was a great day to come in, because I got to see everyone! Natasha & Ezec were there with little Dillinger...he is so cute. Check out the new friends.

Kaves was tattoing for the day...and he was tattooing Slaine, so I got to see them while they are in town. Hobin was there, and Amanda came by, and Danny came by as well. So nice to see everyone in one place! Maddie got everyone's attention, especially Danny's. She loves him already, and always smiles when he is talking to her. So cute!

Needless to say, Mark did an amazing job as usual. I couldn't be happier. With Mark, the company & conversation is half of the tattoo experience. Cody & I are lucky to have him in our lives. Sort of our extended family. Anyway, here is his latest masterpiece!

And here are the 3 of us. I know Maddie will appreciate this picture in 16 years or so!

Coincidentally today is also Maddie's 4 month birthday!!

After a long day, and playing attention-getter, Maddie was worn out.

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