Against all my better judgement, I decided over the last month, to try to let Dylan buy his own lunch at school, not every day, but once or twice a week.
I say it was against my better judgement because school lunches are beyond bad for you.
Nowadays, you add money to your child's account, and at lunchtime, they type in their code and then the lady lets them pick their lunch. When the account gets low, they send you an email saying you are low on funds.
So, this morning I told Dylan he could buy his lunch from school. But when I picked him up, he was starving, and thirsty. I asked him what happened, and he tells me this story.
He gets to the front of the line, and the lunch lady has him type in his code. He said he typed it in, and the lunch lady didn't even ask him what he wanted, but instead shoved at him a plain cheese sandwich & a carton of milk. Let me say that by "plain cheese sandwich" I mean 2 pieces of white bread with a piece of american cheese in the middle. He told me that he went to his table, almost in tears, and wondered why he had to have that and all the other kids got to choose grilled cheese sandwiches or cheeseburgers. He said the sandwich was gross, and he hates milk, so he threw the whole thing away and didn't eat.
When I found out, I called and found out that he only had $1 on his account, and not the $2.75 it costs for lunch. I was furious. Why didn't they send me the appropriate email saying my funds were low? Why wouldn't they tell Dylan that the funds were low and that was why they were giving him a plain cheese sandwich? Why would they just let him wonder why he didn't get a good lunch? Are they robots who don't care about out kids and are jut programmed to hand out food? I don't think this is acceptable at all. If you're working with kids, you should care about the kids. If she had said this to Dylan, he could have chosen to go into the office and call me, so I could have brought him something decent for lunch. Instead he had to go from 11 am to 2:30, starving.
Needless to say, the first thing they see Monday morning will be my email. And Dylan will never be buying lunch from school again.
Grrr....don't mess with Mama Bear.
Oil Spill...
There are 5,000 barrels of oil a day spilling into the Gulf of Mexico right now. There have been 11 lives lost, not counting all the sealife that won't make it.
Is the environment not bad enough already? I think it's so naive when people say that they don't believe in global warming. I think it's hilarious that most of those people are republicans. I always thought that respect for our planet should be more than just a right or left debate. I guess people will open their eyes, when it's too late.
Drill baby, drill?
Get with it, people.
Is the environment not bad enough already? I think it's so naive when people say that they don't believe in global warming. I think it's hilarious that most of those people are republicans. I always thought that respect for our planet should be more than just a right or left debate. I guess people will open their eyes, when it's too late.
Drill baby, drill?
Get with it, people.
Not-So-Happy Meals...
Santa Clara County in California is enforcing a ban on fast food restaurants selling fattening Kids Meals including a toy. The purpose is to fight childhood obesity. In order for these restaurants to include a toy in a kids meal, they have to meet nutritional standards.
McDonalds and Burger King were at a town meeting to oppose this, of course...because they are going to lose so much money.
My opinion? I'm so glad you asked!
I actually think this is a step in the right direction. I understand that parents should be held responsible for what their children are eating, and that it's not necessarily the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure our children are eating healthy. I make sure my kids eat healthy...especially more recently. However, I also know what it's like to be in a hurry & ask my child where he wants to go for dinner, and then hear him base his decision on what toy each fast food restaurant is offering. It's ridiculous. I think maybe it would be different if these restaurants offered anything on the healthier side, for children. I've seen the changes that these places call healthy. McDonalds sells their apple dippers...sure apples are healthy, until you are dipping them into caramel. I won't even go into how they keep these apples from spoiling inside their little plastic baggies. You know they're not fresh. One of the fast food places recently started offering mac'n'cheese...which is one of the most unhealthy things you can choose to eat...but it's vegetarian! Chocolate milk? Loaded with sugar. My point is that there areno healthy choices. I'm not saying that we never eat fast food...if you're reading this, you probably know that my husband is one of the most unhealthy eaters...ever. However, our entire family has made major changes, even Cody. I think that parents everywhere need to be more conscious about what they are feeding their family. I'm not blaming McDonalds, but I think their food is finally catching up with people. There is nothing good and nothing healthy about their food. Nothing. They don't care about our children, they are out to make money. I think this ban is appropriate because I think it's unfair to target children, who don't know any better, with a toy or prize for eating unhealthy. Fast food restaurants have had their chance to improve the quality and nutrition of their food, but have failed to do so, so this is a consequence. So be it.
McDonalds and Burger King were at a town meeting to oppose this, of course...because they are going to lose so much money.
My opinion? I'm so glad you asked!
I actually think this is a step in the right direction. I understand that parents should be held responsible for what their children are eating, and that it's not necessarily the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure our children are eating healthy. I make sure my kids eat healthy...especially more recently. However, I also know what it's like to be in a hurry & ask my child where he wants to go for dinner, and then hear him base his decision on what toy each fast food restaurant is offering. It's ridiculous. I think maybe it would be different if these restaurants offered anything on the healthier side, for children. I've seen the changes that these places call healthy. McDonalds sells their apple dippers...sure apples are healthy, until you are dipping them into caramel. I won't even go into how they keep these apples from spoiling inside their little plastic baggies. You know they're not fresh. One of the fast food places recently started offering mac'n'cheese...which is one of the most unhealthy things you can choose to eat...but it's vegetarian! Chocolate milk? Loaded with sugar. My point is that there areno healthy choices. I'm not saying that we never eat fast food...if you're reading this, you probably know that my husband is one of the most unhealthy eaters...ever. However, our entire family has made major changes, even Cody. I think that parents everywhere need to be more conscious about what they are feeding their family. I'm not blaming McDonalds, but I think their food is finally catching up with people. There is nothing good and nothing healthy about their food. Nothing. They don't care about our children, they are out to make money. I think this ban is appropriate because I think it's unfair to target children, who don't know any better, with a toy or prize for eating unhealthy. Fast food restaurants have had their chance to improve the quality and nutrition of their food, but have failed to do so, so this is a consequence. So be it.
Family Day...
We woke up early today & went to the Burbank Farmer's Market. I love that place! It's so much nicer to shop outside on a beautiful morning then to shop in an ugly grocery store.
This afternoon we took the whole family on a walk at Runyan Canyon. Well, Maddie strolled, but the rest of us walked. Even Lou came! It was fun, but there are way too many people there. I think I need to find a less populated place for us to take our walks.
This evening Cody gave me a little break and took the kids to Shamrock to visit. Dylan of course brought his DSI to play with, and Maddie met her new BFF. Nicole Richie was there and as soon as Maddie saw her, she reached her little arms out for her. She held her & they played the entire time they were there. So cute!
On my "break", I cleaned up the house. Of course!
This afternoon we took the whole family on a walk at Runyan Canyon. Well, Maddie strolled, but the rest of us walked. Even Lou came! It was fun, but there are way too many people there. I think I need to find a less populated place for us to take our walks.
This evening Cody gave me a little break and took the kids to Shamrock to visit. Dylan of course brought his DSI to play with, and Maddie met her new BFF. Nicole Richie was there and as soon as Maddie saw her, she reached her little arms out for her. She held her & they played the entire time they were there. So cute!
On my "break", I cleaned up the house. Of course!
More Easter...
Now that I think I've finally got the hang of using iphoto on my new mac, I'm uploading the final pictures from Easter!
The day before Easter, we went to The Beauchamp Easter party...also Andrea's birthday. She is seriously the best party planner ever. She planned an Easter egg hunt, with prizes, and even cooked a ham! (None for me...still going veg!)
Here are the Beauchamps with Cody & Madison...

After everyone had had a few drinks, Andrea & I came up with an amazing Easter game.
First, you have to take a shot of Jack Daniels out of a half of a plastic Easter egg, then you have to carry an egg on a spoon in your mouth in a relay race...oh just let the pictures speak for themselves...
Here's Todd with the "shot glasses"...

Andrea's not far behind with the Jack!

One of the relay teams taking their shots...

And let the races begin...

It was a fabulous day at the it always is!!
The day before Easter, we went to The Beauchamp Easter party...also Andrea's birthday. She is seriously the best party planner ever. She planned an Easter egg hunt, with prizes, and even cooked a ham! (None for me...still going veg!)
Here are the Beauchamps with Cody & Madison...

After everyone had had a few drinks, Andrea & I came up with an amazing Easter game.
First, you have to take a shot of Jack Daniels out of a half of a plastic Easter egg, then you have to carry an egg on a spoon in your mouth in a relay race...oh just let the pictures speak for themselves...
Here's Todd with the "shot glasses"...

Andrea's not far behind with the Jack!

One of the relay teams taking their shots...

And let the races begin...

It was a fabulous day at the it always is!!
Easter 2010!!
Disneyland Part 2
We decided to stay at our favorite little motel by Disneyland & spend the next day at California Adventure.
We went to lunch at a place we've never tried...Ariel's Grotto! It was a very nice change from all the junk food. It's a bit on the pricier side, but you get to order from a menu and they have cloth napkins!!
As you can see, I was a little excited...

All the pretty Princesses came to our table to meet Madison, and she loved every minute!!

Aurora was her favorite. She just stared at her for the longest time. I think it must be all the mother, like daughter.

A few pictures I took from our table...

And finally, Prince Charming himself...
We went to lunch at a place we've never tried...Ariel's Grotto! It was a very nice change from all the junk food. It's a bit on the pricier side, but you get to order from a menu and they have cloth napkins!!
As you can see, I was a little excited...

All the pretty Princesses came to our table to meet Madison, and she loved every minute!!

Aurora was her favorite. She just stared at her for the longest time. I think it must be all the mother, like daughter.

A few pictures I took from our table...

And finally, Prince Charming himself...

Say Cheeeeese!!!
As I said...I celebrated the start of my "vacation" at Disneyland...of course!

I would live in this castle if I could!

Standing in line at the bakery...

Daddy & Maddie...

My babies...

My silly dude...

Me & my people...

Snow White's Wishing Well...

The carousel...I thought Maddie would love it, but she was not amused at all....

In more current news, Cody bought me a new macbook!! I love it...but this is my first time ever having a mac. This is my first time blogging on my new love, and it's definitely going to take getting used to!!

I would live in this castle if I could!

Standing in line at the bakery...

Daddy & Maddie...

My babies...

My silly dude...

Me & my people...

Snow White's Wishing Well...

The carousel...I thought Maddie would love it, but she was not amused at all....

In more current news, Cody bought me a new macbook!! I love it...but this is my first time ever having a mac. This is my first time blogging on my new love, and it's definitely going to take getting used to!!
What was on my mind today...
Food. Like how it's made, processed, industrialized. Childhood obesity. I saw Food Inc. a while back, and have been reading the book for the last week. A lot of really bad things have to happen so that we can eat. Aside from how the animals are treated, even our fruits & vegetables are sprayed and treated and chemicalized.
I've decided to make some changes around here. This happens from time to time when I read a new book, or see something on TV. Cody usually rolls his eyes & waits for the ideas to subside. I think this time it is different. I think it's really important for our family to eat healthier.
So I'm going vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat in 9 days now. I wanted to wait a week to say anything here because, well you know, in case the ideas did actually subside. I'm proud of myself, and I feel great, and I definitely plan to try to keep this up. **If by chance I am eating a cheeseburger the next time you see me, I did say TRY**
I also plan to start buying less processed and more natural food, and a lot more fruits and veggies, and I plan to buy as much as I can locally. And I plan to
(gasp) cook more healthy & meatless meals at home! I've been inspired to make a difference, at least in my house. If I can put a little health food in Cody's life, I can do anything. He is the guy that lives on Mountain Dew, Ramen and Beef Jerky.
Wish me luck!
I've decided to make some changes around here. This happens from time to time when I read a new book, or see something on TV. Cody usually rolls his eyes & waits for the ideas to subside. I think this time it is different. I think it's really important for our family to eat healthier.
So I'm going vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat in 9 days now. I wanted to wait a week to say anything here because, well you know, in case the ideas did actually subside. I'm proud of myself, and I feel great, and I definitely plan to try to keep this up. **If by chance I am eating a cheeseburger the next time you see me, I did say TRY**
I also plan to start buying less processed and more natural food, and a lot more fruits and veggies, and I plan to buy as much as I can locally. And I plan to
(gasp) cook more healthy & meatless meals at home! I've been inspired to make a difference, at least in my house. If I can put a little health food in Cody's life, I can do anything. He is the guy that lives on Mountain Dew, Ramen and Beef Jerky.
Wish me luck!
Happy Birthday Jennifer!
Ok so this post is a little late...aren't they all?
March 27 we went to my best friend Jennifer's birthday dinner. The restaurant is called El Cholo...they were supposed to have the best margarita in the world. I don't think they do...but I'll be on the lookout for who does!
Anyway, here are the pics!
Jennifer and her boyfriend, Pat...

Singing Happy Birthday...


Girls Pic!

I bought her a cute little Juicy BFF necklace...she loved it!

I think this was the 15th birthday I spent with Jennifer, and I had a great night. And even though the margaritas weren't the world's best, I still managed to drink about 3. Here's to 15 more birthdays, Miss Jennifer!!
March 27 we went to my best friend Jennifer's birthday dinner. The restaurant is called El Cholo...they were supposed to have the best margarita in the world. I don't think they do...but I'll be on the lookout for who does!
Anyway, here are the pics!
Jennifer and her boyfriend, Pat...

Singing Happy Birthday...


Girls Pic!

I bought her a cute little Juicy BFF necklace...she loved it!

I think this was the 15th birthday I spent with Jennifer, and I had a great night. And even though the margaritas weren't the world's best, I still managed to drink about 3. Here's to 15 more birthdays, Miss Jennifer!!
It's getting a little heated around here....
The following are excerpts from an email I received last night, in response to my healthcare blog. WOW.
"The reason I commented is because you tried to make me feel like SHIT for being on medi-cal, and that you're above me. For a minute there, I believed it. Until I realized you shouldn't be complaining about taxes AT ALL. I'm a pretty good mom, I do the best I can, and YES I stay at home with my daughter and I LOVE IT. If the best I can isn't good enough for you or you want to judge me and call me a bad mom, that's on you. Sounds petty and bitter to me. By the way, we have a thousand dollar bill pending from Kaiser that medi-cal won't cover for, and I'm personally cut from it. We've also taken the food stamps (that they MADE us apply for because we applied for medi-cal) and bought our friend's dad (who is handicapped and can't work) groceries for the past 3 months. Does that match up with what you pay for private health insurance? Or wait, I bet it's not good enough for you."
"You are not good people."
"You know who you are? Since you're calling me out on shit, I'm gonna call you out too. You're the type of person who feels they've done their part by re-posting a desperate plea to adopt shelter dogs, as you sit on your computer with your teacup yorkie, with another tab up bitching and MOANING about where your nonexistent taxes are going, because god fucking forbid you have a friend who needs medi-cal. How dare YOU actually step up and foster a dog yourself, or risk getting a *gasp* flea on your thigh.
Because you are better, bigger, and badder and more blessed right? You are ABOVE dogsitting, too talented, just too damn.. PERFECT. One thing I can say completely DIVIDES you and I? I work cleaning floors, moving heavy ass equipment and painting huge office buildings for a construction company for a year to pay my rent. And you know what? I wasn't above it.
You make more money, you pay for your insurance, you are a perfect wife, mother, sister, daughter, you've got the latest gadget, the best handbag, louboutin shoes, the perfect life...
But you are one of the most superficial, empty people I know, and the last person that wrote such an assassination blog about me was a devil worshipper. Be better than that and maintain this perfect persona, and stop stooping to low levels if you are to withhold the crown.
You float by in your ship of right while everyone paddles in their sea of wrong."
That was the first time I have EVER posted my opinion on anything controversial, and this is what happens. I stand in amazement at the nerve of some people. Let me tell you a little about this girl...first of all, I met her when we were both pregnant, and she had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. She is the most dramatic person I've ever met, and always has to argue with someone about something. She's constantly shopping, clothes, makeup, you name it, but can't seem to pay for her own healthcare, and is on foodstamps. And most recently was bitching about having her Juicy Couture purse stolen, and her foodstamp card was inside. Hmm....
"The reason I commented is because you tried to make me feel like SHIT for being on medi-cal, and that you're above me. For a minute there, I believed it. Until I realized you shouldn't be complaining about taxes AT ALL. I'm a pretty good mom, I do the best I can, and YES I stay at home with my daughter and I LOVE IT. If the best I can isn't good enough for you or you want to judge me and call me a bad mom, that's on you. Sounds petty and bitter to me. By the way, we have a thousand dollar bill pending from Kaiser that medi-cal won't cover for, and I'm personally cut from it. We've also taken the food stamps (that they MADE us apply for because we applied for medi-cal) and bought our friend's dad (who is handicapped and can't work) groceries for the past 3 months. Does that match up with what you pay for private health insurance? Or wait, I bet it's not good enough for you."
"You are not good people."
"You know who you are? Since you're calling me out on shit, I'm gonna call you out too. You're the type of person who feels they've done their part by re-posting a desperate plea to adopt shelter dogs, as you sit on your computer with your teacup yorkie, with another tab up bitching and MOANING about where your nonexistent taxes are going, because god fucking forbid you have a friend who needs medi-cal. How dare YOU actually step up and foster a dog yourself, or risk getting a *gasp* flea on your thigh.
Because you are better, bigger, and badder and more blessed right? You are ABOVE dogsitting, too talented, just too damn.. PERFECT. One thing I can say completely DIVIDES you and I? I work cleaning floors, moving heavy ass equipment and painting huge office buildings for a construction company for a year to pay my rent. And you know what? I wasn't above it.
You make more money, you pay for your insurance, you are a perfect wife, mother, sister, daughter, you've got the latest gadget, the best handbag, louboutin shoes, the perfect life...
But you are one of the most superficial, empty people I know, and the last person that wrote such an assassination blog about me was a devil worshipper. Be better than that and maintain this perfect persona, and stop stooping to low levels if you are to withhold the crown.
You float by in your ship of right while everyone paddles in their sea of wrong."
That was the first time I have EVER posted my opinion on anything controversial, and this is what happens. I stand in amazement at the nerve of some people. Let me tell you a little about this girl...first of all, I met her when we were both pregnant, and she had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. She is the most dramatic person I've ever met, and always has to argue with someone about something. She's constantly shopping, clothes, makeup, you name it, but can't seem to pay for her own healthcare, and is on foodstamps. And most recently was bitching about having her Juicy Couture purse stolen, and her foodstamp card was inside. Hmm....
Healthcare & Government Assistance....
Ok, here I're in my space now, so if you don't like what I have to say...there is a little red box in the upper right hand corner of the on it.
I feel like the older I get, the more I lean toward the republican political party. Strange, because I never would have guessed it, and I definitely don't view it now as a bad thing.
I think it mostly comes down to money. I may have taken a year off to be with Madison & spend more time with Dylan, but before that, I worked my ass off for everything I have. Nothing has ever been just handed to me. I've worked for the most part since I was 15. Which means I have been paying taxes since I was 15. A lot of taxes. The more money you make, the more taxes you pay. I realize this will never change, and that part of that money goes to good things, but...some of it doesn't.
I also want to mention that I had Dylan when I was 23. Not too young, but a little. I was unmarried. But I knew what having Dylan meant, and I took full responsibility. I went back to work full time when he was 6 weeks old. He & Madison have always had health insurance...that I have paid for. I have never been on medi-cal, or any sort of government assistance whatsoever. Yea, I guess you could say I am proud of myself. I was taught to be a strong and independent woman.
Lately I see it more and more...women who have children, (not all women), who call themselves stay-at-home moms, but in all reality know that they cannot support their children on a one income family. Most of these women I've come across lately are not in their early twenties, but their early thirties. They think they are doing their children this great service by staying home, but in actuality, they are being selfish. They collect their food stamps, and their government health insurance, and talk about how hard it is to be a stay-at-home mom. I'm pulling the bullshit card. While you are staying at home, real good moms are out there working for a living and raising their kids, without help from anyone. And to top it off, these real good moms taxes are paying for welfare for the other mothers who are too lazy to go out there and get a job. Maybe this sounds mean, but I can't deny it anymore. It's disgusting. Why should hard working taxpayers be forced to take care of people who aren't willing to step up and take care of themselves?
I voted for Obama. I was happy with my decision. Hell, anyone would have done a better job that George W. Am I happy with this healthcare plan? Nope. There are good points, but overall I think it's a bad and expensive idea.
I had to take my daughter to the emergency room about a month ago, because she had a really high fever. I stood in line next to a woman who had medi-cal. Some differences between our experiences? We both had the same waiting time. We both got the same treatment. I had to pay $100 copay...she didn't have to pay anything. My taxes are paying for my children's healthcare and hers. Fair? I don't think so. I've never asked anyone to help me pay for my $300 a month health insurance, so I don't think I should be forced to help everyone else.
In my mind I have been justifying my recent lean to the right by thinking it's just something that happens when you grow up. You stop thinking about everyone else, and you start thinking about how to take care of you and yours.
There are still a whole lot of issues that I strongly lean left on, but money will never be one of them.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now, but let me know your thoughts...both good and bad. I'm always open to other views, and things I don't know about. It's all a learning experience!!
I feel like the older I get, the more I lean toward the republican political party. Strange, because I never would have guessed it, and I definitely don't view it now as a bad thing.
I think it mostly comes down to money. I may have taken a year off to be with Madison & spend more time with Dylan, but before that, I worked my ass off for everything I have. Nothing has ever been just handed to me. I've worked for the most part since I was 15. Which means I have been paying taxes since I was 15. A lot of taxes. The more money you make, the more taxes you pay. I realize this will never change, and that part of that money goes to good things, but...some of it doesn't.
I also want to mention that I had Dylan when I was 23. Not too young, but a little. I was unmarried. But I knew what having Dylan meant, and I took full responsibility. I went back to work full time when he was 6 weeks old. He & Madison have always had health insurance...that I have paid for. I have never been on medi-cal, or any sort of government assistance whatsoever. Yea, I guess you could say I am proud of myself. I was taught to be a strong and independent woman.
Lately I see it more and more...women who have children, (not all women), who call themselves stay-at-home moms, but in all reality know that they cannot support their children on a one income family. Most of these women I've come across lately are not in their early twenties, but their early thirties. They think they are doing their children this great service by staying home, but in actuality, they are being selfish. They collect their food stamps, and their government health insurance, and talk about how hard it is to be a stay-at-home mom. I'm pulling the bullshit card. While you are staying at home, real good moms are out there working for a living and raising their kids, without help from anyone. And to top it off, these real good moms taxes are paying for welfare for the other mothers who are too lazy to go out there and get a job. Maybe this sounds mean, but I can't deny it anymore. It's disgusting. Why should hard working taxpayers be forced to take care of people who aren't willing to step up and take care of themselves?
I voted for Obama. I was happy with my decision. Hell, anyone would have done a better job that George W. Am I happy with this healthcare plan? Nope. There are good points, but overall I think it's a bad and expensive idea.
I had to take my daughter to the emergency room about a month ago, because she had a really high fever. I stood in line next to a woman who had medi-cal. Some differences between our experiences? We both had the same waiting time. We both got the same treatment. I had to pay $100 copay...she didn't have to pay anything. My taxes are paying for my children's healthcare and hers. Fair? I don't think so. I've never asked anyone to help me pay for my $300 a month health insurance, so I don't think I should be forced to help everyone else.
In my mind I have been justifying my recent lean to the right by thinking it's just something that happens when you grow up. You stop thinking about everyone else, and you start thinking about how to take care of you and yours.
There are still a whole lot of issues that I strongly lean left on, but money will never be one of them.
I'm stepping off my soapbox now, but let me know your thoughts...both good and bad. I'm always open to other views, and things I don't know about. It's all a learning experience!!
Flutter By, Butterfly!
About 2 weeks ago, Dylan brought home a caterpillar from Kidspace Museum.
For the last 2 weeks, our family has been watching this little guy grow and change. First, it ate all the food in the little container, and got super fat. Then it went to the top of the container and hung upside down, then it turned into a chrysalis.
I was expecting it to take longer, but I noticed when we came home from Disneyland, it had turned into a butterfly!! I was excited, but I already knew the hard part was coming up. Dylan had looked in on butterfly every day, and now we have to let him go.
Today after school, we took the container outside, opened it up, and let the butterfly out. At first he didn't go, but when he did, it was !! He flew around us for a few seconds, and then up into the trees, and he was gone. Then Dylan started to cry. He thought he wanted to keep him as a pet. I had to explain that we did the best thing for the butterfly by letting him go. After our talk, some tears, and a grilled cheese sandwich, I think he felt a little better.
All in all, we learned from this experience and we all thought it was awesome!!
For the last 2 weeks, our family has been watching this little guy grow and change. First, it ate all the food in the little container, and got super fat. Then it went to the top of the container and hung upside down, then it turned into a chrysalis.
I was expecting it to take longer, but I noticed when we came home from Disneyland, it had turned into a butterfly!! I was excited, but I already knew the hard part was coming up. Dylan had looked in on butterfly every day, and now we have to let him go.
Today after school, we took the container outside, opened it up, and let the butterfly out. At first he didn't go, but when he did, it was !! He flew around us for a few seconds, and then up into the trees, and he was gone. Then Dylan started to cry. He thought he wanted to keep him as a pet. I had to explain that we did the best thing for the butterfly by letting him go. After our talk, some tears, and a grilled cheese sandwich, I think he felt a little better.
All in all, we learned from this experience and we all thought it was awesome!!
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