Not-So-Happy Meals...

Santa Clara County in California is enforcing a ban on fast food restaurants selling fattening Kids Meals including a toy. The purpose is to fight childhood obesity. In order for these restaurants to include a toy in a kids meal, they have to meet nutritional standards.

McDonalds and Burger King were at a town meeting to oppose this, of course...because they are going to lose so much money.

My opinion? I'm so glad you asked!

I actually think this is a step in the right direction. I understand that parents should be held responsible for what their children are eating, and that it's not necessarily the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure our children are eating healthy. I make sure my kids eat healthy...especially more recently. However, I also know what it's like to be in a hurry & ask my child where he wants to go for dinner, and then hear him base his decision on what toy each fast food restaurant is offering. It's ridiculous. I think maybe it would be different if these restaurants offered anything on the healthier side, for children. I've seen the changes that these places call healthy. McDonalds sells their apple dippers...sure apples are healthy, until you are dipping them into caramel. I won't even go into how they keep these apples from spoiling inside their little plastic baggies. You know they're not fresh. One of the fast food places recently started offering mac'n'cheese...which is one of the most unhealthy things you can choose to eat...but it's vegetarian! Chocolate milk? Loaded with sugar. My point is that there areno healthy choices. I'm not saying that we never eat fast food...if you're reading this, you probably know that my husband is one of the most unhealthy eaters...ever. However, our entire family has made major changes, even Cody. I think that parents everywhere need to be more conscious about what they are feeding their family. I'm not blaming McDonalds, but I think their food is finally catching up with people. There is nothing good and nothing healthy about their food. Nothing. They don't care about our children, they are out to make money. I think this ban is appropriate because I think it's unfair to target children, who don't know any better, with a toy or prize for eating unhealthy. Fast food restaurants have had their chance to improve the quality and nutrition of their food, but have failed to do so, so this is a consequence. So be it.

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