Healthcare & Government Assistance....

Ok, here I're in my space now, so if you don't like what I have to say...there is a little red box in the upper right hand corner of the on it.

I feel like the older I get, the more I lean toward the republican political party. Strange, because I never would have guessed it, and I definitely don't view it now as a bad thing.

I think it mostly comes down to money. I may have taken a year off to be with Madison & spend more time with Dylan, but before that, I worked my ass off for everything I have. Nothing has ever been just handed to me. I've worked for the most part since I was 15. Which means I have been paying taxes since I was 15. A lot of taxes. The more money you make, the more taxes you pay. I realize this will never change, and that part of that money goes to good things, but...some of it doesn't.

I also want to mention that I had Dylan when I was 23. Not too young, but a little. I was unmarried. But I knew what having Dylan meant, and I took full responsibility. I went back to work full time when he was 6 weeks old. He & Madison have always had health insurance...that I have paid for. I have never been on medi-cal, or any sort of government assistance whatsoever. Yea, I guess you could say I am proud of myself. I was taught to be a strong and independent woman.

Lately I see it more and more...women who have children, (not all women), who call themselves stay-at-home moms, but in all reality know that they cannot support their children on a one income family. Most of these women I've come across lately are not in their early twenties, but their early thirties. They think they are doing their children this great service by staying home, but in actuality, they are being selfish. They collect their food stamps, and their government health insurance, and talk about how hard it is to be a stay-at-home mom. I'm pulling the bullshit card. While you are staying at home, real good moms are out there working for a living and raising their kids, without help from anyone. And to top it off, these real good moms taxes are paying for welfare for the other mothers who are too lazy to go out there and get a job. Maybe this sounds mean, but I can't deny it anymore. It's disgusting. Why should hard working taxpayers be forced to take care of people who aren't willing to step up and take care of themselves?

I voted for Obama. I was happy with my decision. Hell, anyone would have done a better job that George W. Am I happy with this healthcare plan? Nope. There are good points, but overall I think it's a bad and expensive idea.
I had to take my daughter to the emergency room about a month ago, because she had a really high fever. I stood in line next to a woman who had medi-cal. Some differences between our experiences? We both had the same waiting time. We both got the same treatment. I had to pay $100 copay...she didn't have to pay anything. My taxes are paying for my children's healthcare and hers. Fair? I don't think so. I've never asked anyone to help me pay for my $300 a month health insurance, so I don't think I should be forced to help everyone else.

In my mind I have been justifying my recent lean to the right by thinking it's just something that happens when you grow up. You stop thinking about everyone else, and you start thinking about how to take care of you and yours.

There are still a whole lot of issues that I strongly lean left on, but money will never be one of them.

I'm stepping off my soapbox now, but let me know your thoughts...both good and bad. I'm always open to other views, and things I don't know about. It's all a learning experience!!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree.....although I believe that in everyone's life there comes a time where a helping hand is needed and thats ok. There is nothing wrong with asking for a little help, but I believe in stepping stones not a free hand out. I believe Medi-cal, disability, food stamps, section - 8, ect. should be monitored better for one AND should be temporary not permanent! People need to be educated and some frankly kicked in the behind. It enrages me to see a mother of three, standing in line at the grocery store, talking on her cell phone, dressed like she is about to hit the club, hair and nails done, digging through her Coach bag for her food stamps. REALLY????? To think this is where hard working tax paying American’s money is going!

Anonymous said...

Judge on.