What was on my mind today...

Food. Like how it's made, processed, industrialized. Childhood obesity. I saw Food Inc. a while back, and have been reading the book for the last week. A lot of really bad things have to happen so that we can eat. Aside from how the animals are treated, even our fruits & vegetables are sprayed and treated and chemicalized.
I've decided to make some changes around here. This happens from time to time when I read a new book, or see something on TV. Cody usually rolls his eyes & waits for the ideas to subside. I think this time it is different. I think it's really important for our family to eat healthier.
So I'm going vegetarian. I haven't eaten meat in 9 days now. I wanted to wait a week to say anything here because, well you know, in case the ideas did actually subside. I'm proud of myself, and I feel great, and I definitely plan to try to keep this up. **If by chance I am eating a cheeseburger the next time you see me, I did say TRY**
I also plan to start buying less processed and more natural food, and a lot more fruits and veggies, and I plan to buy as much as I can locally. And I plan to
(gasp) cook more healthy & meatless meals at home! I've been inspired to make a difference, at least in my house. If I can put a little health food in Cody's life, I can do anything. He is the guy that lives on Mountain Dew, Ramen and Beef Jerky.
Wish me luck!

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