My Birthday Girl, being silly...

How handsome is this kid?!

Maddie & her BFF

Breakfast with Goofy!

Awwwh, I love these girls!

Family pic with Pluto...

Happy Birthday, Princess!

She's so excited!!

I couldn't believe how much she loved the characters! She wasn't scared at all.

Dylan & Chip...

Maddie shakin' it!

This little guy is going to be a heartbreaker!

This is one of my favorites...

Awww, my lovey!!

I laugh every time I see this picture. First, look in the front middle seat. Is she crying? Haha! Now look at me in the back. Don't I just look miserable? Haha

I realize that 8 out of 10 of my posts here are probably about Disneyland, but this one may have been the best trip ever! We had our great friends wits us, and Maddie had a friend to play with and I think she's finally getting old enough to enjoy the magic of Disneyland. Or maybe it was the fact that she got to wear a princess dress all day long!

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