Mama got a new toy!! I've been toying with the idea of getting a DSLR camera for a while now. I had never even touched one before, and then my friend brought hers to Disneyland for Madison's birthday, and I took a couple pictures with it, and the rest is history. My wonderful, sweet, amazing husband went out the next day, and the rest is history. I'm far from professional...I just love taking pictures for fun. Sooo, now I get to bore all of my 5 blog readers with random pictures of nature and even more pictures of the kids. YAY!!
I took these pictures of the moon the day that the news said it was closer to earth than it had been in, um, I don't know how long.
And of course, a couple of my little princess.
I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship...of course I'm talking about the camera. Haha!
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